
What Makes A Good Presentation?

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What Makes A Good Presentation?

Mehak Sarwar 

Management Coach


Do you find it difficult to give a good business presentation? If yes, this article gives you 8 tips on how a business presentation should be delivered. It is a difficult task but it’s not impossible and with this, you can improve and feel more confident in your skills to present to your colleagues or bosses. 

These are 8 tips to consider when presenting:

  1. Show you know who you are and what you are talking about 

Audiences respond better and will listen more if you show them you are the right person to give that presentation and are knowledgeable. Do this by introducing yourself, your connection to the presentation, and establish your integrity from the start.

  1. Establish your aims 

By making known what your presentation’s purpose is, the audience is more likely to remember your main points easier because, throughout your presentation, they relay all the information you give back to that objective you began with. In addition to this, it can help you with the structuring of your presentation to avoid waffling and unnecessary points being made.

  1. PEE

PEE is the idea that you give your Point, use Evidence to back it up, and Explain to make the audience understand what you are saying. 

  1. Avoid chunks of writing on your slides

Presentations and main points are delivered better through visual aid, videos, quotes because it’s unique and memorable. 

  1. Ask Questions

By asking rhetorical or questions that make the audience think, it makes your presentation more interactive. 

  1. Shock factor 

Using shocking statistics or other information makes the audience pay attention to you because it evokes an emotion and reaction from them which they will remember.

  1. Be Prepared 

Usually, at the end of the presentation, there’s a Q&A portion. By building a strong knowledge in the research part of your project, it will prepare you for all possible questions you may receive. Since you’re making the presentation, become the ‘expert’ on the topic. If the audience is too scared to ask questions, you can still give extra information on your presentation from what you think they could’ve asked you.

8. Conclusion

After the Q&A section, end your presentation with your goals, points, and plan of action (if you have one) to remind them of all the information you want them to take away.



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