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Mehak Sarwar

Management Coach


Teamwork is the collaborative effort made to accomplish a specific goal or task. 

Working in a team harmoniously and valuing how each person in the team is distinctive, is what good teamwork is. 


What Makes Good Teamwork?


  • Have clear roles in the group: 
    • Recognise each other’s strengths and give roles to people who are interested or a specialist in that field so every person in the team is motivated, encouraged and committed to reaching that common goal. Moreover, the product or service is high quality and is made in an efficient manner
  • Communication: 
    • Communication has many working parts. In order to have good open and honest communication within a team, everyone should: 
      • Listen and respect each other’s views
      • Put forward their ideas in the discussions
      • Make the group aware that you may need further clarification or help with completing a task 
      • Acknowledge and give constructive criticism.
  • Trust: 
    • Having respect and trust within each other permits you as a team to take reasonable risks, in order to attain the main goal
  • Throughout the process, evaluate your progress
  • Allowing each person to show their individuality in a team, is necessary because differing views, opinions and assets can positively contribute to the process of achieving that common goal. 


 As Henry Ford said: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Teamwork is another fundamental element in successfully running a company. The reason as to why teamwork is vital to business, is because things: run more smoothly and, interpersonal skills are improved, which leads to better professional relationships. 




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